Experienced DUI Representation

An arrest for Driving Under the Influence (DUI) can cause stress, fear, and unexpected consequences.  While you are dealing with the personal and emotional stress following a DUI arrest, it’s critical that you have a dedicated and experienced criminal defense attorney by your side.  We at Guardline Law understand the complexities of DUI cases and are committed to protecting your rights and achieving the best possible outcome for your situation. We have years of experience defending hundreds of clients charged with DUI, seeing success in both pretrial and trial litigation.

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Florida DUI Penalties

In Florida, DUI sanctions are dependent on specific factors including prior DUI convictions, age of the vehicle’s occupants, blood/breath alcohol levels, and damages/injuries from collisions. First time DUI convictions can sometimes result in jail time, but will always result in the following mandatory penalties:

  1. Probation
  2. Fines
  3. DUI school
  4. MADD Victim Impact Panel
  5. Vehicle impound/immobilization
  6. Community service hours

Second and subsequent DUI convictions will carry more substantial mandatory penalties, often including mandatory jail sentences and longer/more severe license suspension.  They can even be enhanced to felony charges for repeat offenders.

Our Approach

Compassionate Client Interactions

While you are dealing with the fallout of a DUI arrest, our attorney will maintain regular contact with you to ensure your questions are answered. No questions will be ignored, and all defense strategies will be discussed with you before we start our case work. Your attorney will provide you with direct contact information and will respond to your inquiries as quickly as possible. We believe that informed clients have lower levels of stress and make better during the defense of their cases. 

Rigorous Investigation

Our team will conduct a thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding your DUI arrest. This includes scrutinizing police procedures, reviewing all reports, examining video evidence, and identifying any potential violations of your rights.

Education on DUI Laws

DUI litigation is complicated and constantly changing.  The consequences of a conviction can be expensive and life-disrupting. Our attorneys are well-versed in the latest DUI statutes and legal precedents, ensuring that we build the best possible defense for your case.

Strategic Defense Planning

Each DUI case is unique and requires a personalized defense strategy. Whether it’s contesting the legality of the traffic stop, challenging the validity of sobriety tests, or disputing the forensic results, we will develop a strategic plan tailored to the specific details of your case.

Our Services

If you get arrested for DUI, you need to act quickly.  Our attorney provides quick complimentary consultations, provides immediate assistance, and will guide you through the legal process as soon as we are retained. We’ll help you regain your driving privileges and guide you through the criminal justice system.

License Suspension Hearings

In Florida, almost every DUI arrest leads to a driver’s license suspension. You must act extremely quickly to avoid losing options to get your driving privileges.  Often you have just ten days before the suspension becomes incontestable. We will handle your DMV hearings, help you to apply for restricted licenses when possible, and fight to preserve your driving privileges throughout the criminal case.

Court Representation

Our experienced DUI defense attorney believes in using a combination of aggressive representation and skilled negotiation. We aim to secure favorable outcomes, whether through negotiation, pretrial motions, or acquittal at trial.

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Contact Us Today

Don’t face DUI charges alone. At Guardline Law, we are committed to protecting your rights and getting our clients the best possible outcome. Contact us today for a confidential consultation to discuss your case and learn how we can help you fight your DUI case. 

Call (727) 910-2565 or fill out the form to schedule a free consultation today.